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In Igbo land of south easthern part of Nigeria, some people are crown king of Yam (Eze ji) this is based on their commitment to yam produce.


In many parts of the world, the cultivation of yam is very important as it is used by farmers to earn income.


There are many types of yam and most of then are used as medicine which is normally practice by native doctors to cure diseases and to restore somebody that is in coma.

In Igbo land these types of yam is named in Igbo language.

1. Ji Ocha (White yam without branches)

2. Ji Igwe

3. Ji Opani (It is yellow and very palatable)

4. Ogbaga Ocha (It is very beautiful and enjoyable)

5. Ogbaga Ogii (It is red)

6. Ji Abala (Water Yam, it is medicinal, it is used to restore somebody in coma with other things)

Yam can also be eating pounded with a sweet soup like Egwusi soup. Look at the picture of pounded yam


This title is not given to everybody and can not be given to everybody. In olden days, a rich man wealth in Igboland is measured by the number of yam he has and animals, wives and children, but today the story is not the same.

Before Ezeji title will be given to a farmer in Igbo land the person most possess the above types of yam.

Must be married with children who will help him in farming and in the production of yam.

The person must have one pen of yam (otumkpa ji and oba ji) and other ones on the ground.

This title normally takes place on the month of November till February, as it is the time of harvest. The Igbo calendar is started on April and ends on February.

If all requirement is met, by the person that wishes to bear the title; will call the members of his family or kindred to show them his Oba Ji (Barn of Yam). At this stage, if there is an old Ezeji; (king of yam) he will advice on what next to do and also lead to the remaining stage.


The Ezeji title holders in the family or kindred will present the person to the community that their son has met the requirements for the title. The date of the ceremony will be fixed; on that day, He will invite his friends and relative including his well wishers. He will prepare Mgbam (The seed of melon that is pounded and mode together for eating) in large number, he will buy fowl, goat, palm wine, which will be used to bless his Obaji (barn of yam) the oba ji must be locked.. If on the date of the ceremony, every body will be trooping in to the house the person. Relatives will be invited, Igba Ndieze and all types of music may be there to flavour the occasion. The Oba eji will be opened by the Ezeji title holders, if they found out that some of the requirement is missing, they will postponed it till after one year. Then if the requirement has been actually met; they will go on with the ceremony. After supervising the Obaji, that will led by Ezeji title holder of the family member or kindred of the person; they will give him staff, crown him farmer cap, give him knife and whole.

After this, 21 cannon gun shot will be sounded. Ndi Ezeji (king of yam title holders) will be served with prepared yam, mgbam, drinks etc. This marks the end of the ceremony.

Note: Any Ezeji title holder is highly respected in the society.